So, You’re New to Online Learning…

I have been homeschooling my son for a little over three years.  Technically, it’s online learning and not considered homeschool, but the concept is the same.  My son is enrolled at an online public charter school.  He has teachers that instruct him, but I am his learning coach.  Every day, I take on the role of a teacher, administrator, lunch lady… You get the idea.

Just like many of you, we started online learning in the midst of a disaster.  Soon after my son was enrolled in his new school, we were hit by a hurricane… … More So, You’re New to Online Learning…

Year in Review

It has been an interesting year, to say the least.  Looking back, I have a lot to be thankful for.  Sure, there were many unpleasant moments, but I’m not the sort to dwell on the negative… not anymore. These days, people’s memories are measured with the photos they take on their cell phone.  I have … More Year in Review

Grow Up, America!

Okay, let’s take a time out for a second.  This was the strangest election we’ve ever seen.  After all, these are strange times.  Now, I could give you a run-down of the facts and figures.  I could  put down a pretty good argument with my viewpoint for your pleasure or discomfort.  Frankly, nobody cares what … More Grow Up, America!

Broken System

The school system is failing our kids in a lot of ways.  I’ve seen it firsthand in our local district.  After volunteering at the school, I can tell you that a lot of changes have helped our kids, however.  Our school fed our kids breakfast at no cost to the parents thanks to Title I … More Broken System